Ice Genasi

        Unlike most of the Para- and Quasi-Elemental Planes, The Plane of Ice actually has a fair number of humanoid settlements on it. It doesn't have as many settlements as the Plane of Mineral or the Plane of Lightning, but a lot of folks call the Plane of Ice home.

        The Plane of Ice tends to draw a certain type of basher as well. You won't find many meek, timid, sickly types living permanently on the Plane of Ice. What you will find, in the main, is a group of hard-drinking, hard-living rowdies with the constitution of oxen (and, some say, the smarts to match). These traits are usually passed on to their planetouched offspring.

        The common joke is that Ice Genasi must be emotionless since they're so cold-hearted, but the truth is that Ice Genasi are among the most passionate of all Genasi (Para-, Quasi-, or otherwise). They like to live life to the fullest and slurp the marrow from the bone of life. They're boisterous, fun-loving, and always on the lookout for the next party. Like all Para- and Quasi-Genasi found off their native plane, the Children of the Glacier are intensely curious about the rest of the Multiverse. This curiosity follows the same zest for life that the Ice Genasi themselves follow. So when the Ice Genasi venture out into the big, wide Multiverse, they usually become Planewalkers, and they usually adventure for the sheer excitement and experience. And although you can find Ice Genasi in just about any faction, the fact of the matter is that they're natural-born Sensates.

        In appearance, all Ice Genasi tend towards sharp, angular features. Their skin and hair are either pure white or bluish-white. Additionally, they usually have extremely cold flesh and sometimes have a thin layer of frost in their hair (even during the summer).

Racial Traits:

  • +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence: The humans and demihumans who choose to live on the Plane of Ice tend to be from particularly hardy stock. This hardiness is passed on to their Planetouched offspring. The humans and demihumans who choose to live on the Plane of Ice also aren't the brightest lights in the night sky, and this is passed on to their Planetouched offspring as well.
  • Medium-size.
  • Ice Genasi base speed is 30 feet.
  • Darkvision up to 60 feet.
  • +1 racial bonus to their saving throws vs. Cold-based spells and effects. This bonus increases by +1 for every five character levels the Genasi attains.
  • Outsider: Ice Genasi are outsiders. This means that they are vulnerable to any spell or weapon that affects extraplanar creatures (such as Banishment or a Sword of the Planes). However, it also makes them immune to spells which specifically target humanoids, such as Charm Person, Hold Person, etc.
  • Surefooted (Ex): Ice Genasi can move across any icy surface at their normal movement rate, without any danger of slipping or falling.
  • Cold Immunity (Ex): Ice Genasi are completely immune to the effects of non-magical cold. Magical cold does damage as normal.
  • Frost (Sp): Ice Genasi have the ability to cast Frost once per day. Frost covers various surfaces with a thin layer of ice, but is otherwise identical to the 1st-level Wizard spell Grease. Ice Genasi can cast this spell as though they were a 5th level Wizard.
  • Clerical Focus: An Ice Genasi cleric must follow a deity of air, water, cold, ice, or winter.
  • Automatic Languages: Common, Auran, Aquan. Bonus Languages: Any (except secret languages such as Druidic).
  • Favored Class: Barbarian
  • Level Adjustment +1: Ice Genasi are slightly more powerful and gain levels more slowly than most of the other common races.

Age and Aging Effects
Starting Age:  20+1d10
Middle Age*:  60
Old Age**:  80
Venerable***:  120
Maximum Age:  120+6d10

* -1 Str/Con/Dex; +1 Int/Wis/Cha
** -2 Str/Con/Dex; +1 Int/Wis/Cha
*** -3 Str/Con/Dex; +1 Int/Wis/Cha

Average Height and Weight
Height/Male: 60+1d10 inches
    /Female: 59+1d10 inches
Weight/Male: 150+4d10 pounds
    /Female: 100+4d10 pounds

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